Thursday, April 3, 2008

3 April 2008

Have decided on 2nd April to get serious about Core. Gave up sugar for awhile on 1st April which should make core a bit easier for me. I haven't lost weight consistently for a long time so hoping that my new plan will work.
Still have Mum hospitalised but hopefully will be coming home on Monday so my life should settle down after that.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Hi Guys

Well I have been very slack and haven't posted for months mainly because in all that time I haven't lost any more weight. Now that Christmas and Ab Fab are over I have decided it is time I get stuck into tracking and exercising. Have started running with Tana who is very good on a loose leash. We have a lovely area down by the river Torrens for walkers, runners and bikers. Now our heat wave has finished in Adelaide I am more inclined to go out in the morning with Tana.
My Mum has been quite ill with pneumonia and has spent the last 3 weeks in Royal Adelaide Hospital so I have been quite stressed and spending a lot of time running backand forward to hospital and now ocntacting Social workers trying to get her out of the hospital and into respite or Rehab for a couple of weeks to build up her strength.
Yesterday when I saw her she was covered in a very nasty bright red rash over most of her body and tonite when I rang her from the Barossa she now has a fever. I am quite concerned and can't wait to finish work tomorrow and go and see her.